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Dosha Quiz

The following quiz will help you determine which constitutional influences, or doshas, are most prominently affecting your health and well-being. This knowledge will allow you to follow specific recommendations to bring your health into balance for your particular needs.

Please answer YES or NO to the following questions based on what rings true for you.

Section A

  • I have always been thin and gangly. Yes or No

  • I lose weight easily and I have difficulty gaining it. Yes or No

  • I prefer a warm climate and don’t like wind and cold. Yes or No

  • My hair tends to be curly and dry. Yes or No

  • My skin tends to be rough and dry. Yes or No

  • When under stress I tend to become anxious and/or fearful. Yes or No

  • Section B

  • I have a medium build with medium bone structure. Yes or No

  • I enjoy competitive activities and enjoy physical or intellectual challenges. Yes or No

  • I prefer a cool climate to a warm one. Yes or No

  • I dislike heat, especially humid heat and feel easily fatigued by it. Yes or No

  • I have a sharp, aggressive mind. Yes or No

  • My digestion and appetite tends to be strong and I get irritable when I’m hungry. Yes or No

  • When under stress I tend to become easily frustrated, impatient, or angry. Yes or No Section C

  • I have a sturdy constitution and a large bone structure. Yes or No

  • I’ve always been a little overweight. Yes or No

  • I gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it. Yes or No

  • I tend to have excess mucous. Yes or No

  • My hair is a thick and lustrous. Yes or No

  • My energy and stamina are consistent. Yes or No

  • When under stress I become withdrawn, unmotivated, and resistant to change. Yes or No

If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section A, you have a primarily vata constitution. If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section B, you have a primarily pitta constitution. If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section C, you may have a primarily kapha constitution. If your answers are split between two or three of the sections, you are bi- or tridoshic.

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