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According to Ayurveda, (A 5000 year old healing system

from India) human beings are made up of each of the

five elements:

Air, Space, Fire, Water, Earth.

Together in specific combinations these elements form the three Doshas:

Vata, Pitta and Kapha.Because we all have these five elements in our bodies, we all have each of the three doshas as well. However, each of us is born with a unique, individual combination of these doshas. So, like fingerprints, no two of us are alike. According to Ayurveda, for an individual to be considered healthy, they need to take into account each and every individual’s personality, habits, and emotions. We all come into this world with a unique “Blueprint” which is determined at the time of conception. This blueprint creates who we are. Our mental and physical characteristics, along with our personality are what make us a unique “Bio-individual”.

Each one of us is made up of the combination of these three doshas. Most of us have one or two doshas to be dominant, with the third one to be passive. A small percentage is Tri-Doshic, meaning they are made of an even amount of all three Doshas.This makes up our unique blueprint or Prakruti (Basic constitution). Every activity and function of our mind and body is dependent upon the balanced or unbalanced state of our Doshas.

To find out what your Dosha is, go to the Dosha test page.

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